Consider a symmetric tensor (matrix) Â = ÂT
which transforms a given (column) vector a
into a new (column) vector b
via the matrix multiplication b
= ·a. Here, the superscript T denotes matrix transposition. In component form this reads bj
= ∑k
ak, where the summation runs over all values of k
from 1 to the number of spatial dimensions. Consider the scalar function f
= aT·Â·a. The equation f
= const. defines a line in 2D, or a surface in 3D. For better visualization, we restrict us here to two dimensions and to the special case that both eigenvalues λ1
and λ2
of Â
are real, distinct and positive, so that the normalized eigenvectors v1,2
are orthogonal to each other. Then, any vector a can be written as av1 v1+av2 v2, and
f reads f = l1 av12+l2 av22, i.e. f = const. describes an ellipse with half axes 1/l1 and 1/l2 oriented along v1 and v2.